Select Reports and Define global Export settings

On the next page, a list of reports is available from which you can select the ones to include in the batch. You can also customize report to be delivered by choosing options to include, name, description, etc. on this page.






List of reports to choose from. In the illustration above, all reports and their sub-reports are listed. Under each report name, the original report is listed as the “Default” while the other reports are the sub-reports. From this list any number of reports or sub reports may be chosen for each schedule.


Here you can specify if you wish to include description on cover page as also whether to combine all the reports in the batch into single pdf file.


Here you can customize all other aspects of report as explained in table below.



Cover Page

On the cover page of the report, you have option to include Dashboard Title, Details, and Dashboard Filters information by choosing relevant options.

Page Header

Page Headers appear on every page of your report. You may choose to include company logo and report title on each page.

Page Footer Left

Page footers appear at the end of each page. You may specify text to appear on the left side footer of every page.

Page Footer Right

You may choose to have time stamp of date and time of report export added to the right footer of every page as well as the page number.

Page Orientation

The page orientation options to choose from are Landscape (default) and Portrait.

Export all pages

Since Pivot and Table reports are typically large and can span multiple pages, here you can choose to export the Pivot or Table as multiple pages or just the part of the Table/Pivot that is visible on the screen.


Once you have chosen the required reports and selected other settings press the Next button at the end of the page.





<< Assign Schedule Name and Define schedule frequency | Select Recipients and Edit Report level Export Setting >>