Modify Implicit Filters

To modify an implicit filter:

  1. Click Implicit Filter to display the Implicit Filter(s) screen that lists the existing filters with the Implicit Filter Name, Implicit Filter description and Implicit Filter mapped to the groups.  

  2. Select the Implicit Filter you wish to edit from the Implicit Name list. By default, the Modify Implicit Filter(s) screen displays with the details that you have entered while creating the implicit filter.



Modify Implicit Filter(s) screen


  1. Change the description and Implicit Filter parameters such as field, operator, value and data type, if required.

  2. Click add icon add_small.png to add another parameter. To delete the implicit filter condition, click delete icon deleteicon.png related to the implicit filter parameter.

  3. Click Save to update the changes.

note.jpg Note:

Fields marked with * are mandatory


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