Create Widget - Workflow

Intelliview NXT employs a widget format for the widget creation process. The wizard encompasses tabs in the following order.




The section below explains the workflow and each of the steps required to create a widget. Defining data sets (step 3), specifying properties (step 5), and setting exceptions (step 6) are optional steps for creating the widget. The remaining steps are necessary.


  1. Connection & Data Model - Using the page, you select the connection and data model that you want use for retrieving data for the widget. You also select the type of widget you want to create - chart, table or pivot.


  1. Select Columns - On this page, you can select columns for the widget from the global list of columns provided by the data model. The best practice is to include all the relevant columns, not only the specific columns for the widget being designed. This enables changes to the widget while viewing the dashboard


Example:If you are designing a widget to present revenue distribution by country, including the Units Shipped column makes it possible to edit the widget while viewing it, to have it reflect Units Shipped by Country instead of or in addition to Revenue by Country. Including the State and City columns makes it possible to add a drill down on the widget from Country to State and to City.


Selecting as many relevant columns as possible during widget design increases the flexibility to edit the metrics and dimensions in the widget while viewing the dashboard.


  1. Define Data Set/Add Data Set(s) - Using this page, you can define the data set that you want to use for the widget.


Example: If you are designing the widget to present revenue distribution by country for the year 2013, you can select the Year column and apply a filter value of 2013. In this case, you have defined the data set for the widget to reflect only the data for the year 2013. The data set you define can be modified by editing the widget while viewing the dashboard.


In addition to defining data sets, you can use this page to add additional data sets while creating a chart widget. For a detailed introduction to adding data sets, refer Multiple Data Sets


  1. Design - This page allows you to use the columns available for designing the widget and to reflect the business metric(s) you specifically want to highlight in the widget.


  1. Properties (for chart type widget and pivot type widget only) — Using this page, you can set properties for the widget such as the title, marks, and labels for chart widgets and the pivot title and data display properties for the pivot widget.


  1. Set Exception(s) (for chart type widget and pivot type widget only) — This page allows you to specify exceptions based on conditions and column values. For a detailed introduction to exceptions, refer Exceptions


  1. Save — This page allows you to enter a name for the widget and save it.

Defining elements and providing required information in each of these pages allow you to proceed through the wizard and create the widget successfully.





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