
Calendar icon
   Weekly Schedule
   Custom Schedule
   Monthly Schedule
   Daily/Interval Schedule
   Modify Custom Schedule
   Yearly Schedule
   Create Schedule
   Add Folder
   Rename Folder
   Delete Folder
   Add Data Models
   Modify Users
   Modify Groups
   Modify Yearly Schedule
   Modify Data Models
   Modify Weekly Schedule
   Modify Connection
   Modify Custom Schedule
   Modify Daily/Interval Schedule
   Modify Monthly Schedule
   Save Dashboard Layout
   Modify Implicit Filter
   Editing Chart Widget in Dashboard View
   Editing Table Widget in Dashboard View
   Editing Pivot Widget in Dashboard View
   Rename Folder
   Widget Layout Overview
   Add Dashboard Authors
   Create Widget Layout
    Batch Name
       Modify Yearly Schedule
       Modify Weekly Schedule
       Modify Custom Schedule
       Modify Daily/Interval Schedule
       Modify Monthly Schedule
    Connection Name
    Connection Type
    Data Model Name
       Modify Yearly Schedule
       Modify Weekly Schedule
       Modify Custom Schedule
       Modify Daily/Interval Schedule
       Modify Monthly Schedule
    First Name
    Group Name
    Scheduled Refresh Time
    User Name
Change Password
   Types of Chart
   Widget Overview
   Chart - Select / Edit Columns
   Elements of Chart
   Chart Widget
   Steps for creating Pivot Table Widget
   Chart widget Preview
   Editing Chart Widget in Dashboard View
   Add Widget
   Apply Implicit FIlters in Dashboard
   Modify Widget
   Example for creating Multi Series Chart
   Create Widget Layout
   User Interface for Dashboard Author
Chart Table Pivot Table
Chart Elements
Chart type
Chart Types
   Types of Chart
   Editing Chart Widget in Dashboard View
   Create Widget Layout
Chart Widget
   Chart Widget
   Editing Chart Widget in Dashboard View
   Create Widget Layout
   Chart widget Preview
Chart Widget Preview
Chart- Design
   Editing Chart Widget in Dashboard View
   Create Widget Layout
Charts bound
Choose Group
   Add Groups
   Map Data Models
   Daily/Interval Schedule
   Modify Yearly Schedule
   Modify Weekly Schedule
   Add Users
   Modify Custom Schedule
   Permission Management - Administrator Role
   Add Connection
   Create Schedule
   Modify Daily/Interval Schedule
   Modify Monthly Schedule
   Dashboard Toolbar
Clear All Quick Search Filters
Click Next
   Add Widgets to Layout
   Weekly Schedule
   Pivot Design
   Pivot - Connection & Data Model
   Custom Schedule
   Monthly Schedule
   Importing Data Models
   Select Recipients
   Daily/Interval Schedule
   Modify Yearly Schedule
   Editing Chart Widget in Dashboard View
   Editing Table Widget in Dashboard View
   Editing Pivot Widget in Dashboard View
   Configure Quick Search Filters
   Configure Smart Filters
   Modify Weekly Schedule
   Modify Custom Schedule
   Select a Report to Schedule
   Add Widget
   Chart - Select / Edit Columns
   Yearly Schedule
   Modify Monthly Schedule
   Create Schedule
   Modify Daily/Interval Schedule
   Create Widget Layout
   Create Dashboard
   Widget Toolbar
   Create Dashboard Layout
   Editing Pivot Widget in Dashboard View
   Editing Chart Widget in Dashboard View
   Editing Table Widget in Dashboard View
   Create Widget Layout
    Apply button
    Save Layout As
       Create Dashboard Layout
       Editing Pivot Widget in Dashboard View
       Editing Chart Widget in Dashboard View
       Editing Table Widget in Dashboard View
       Create Widget Layout
   Pivot Design
   Types of Chart
   Modify Data Models
   Editing Pivot Widget in Dashboard View
   Apply Implicit FIlters in Dashboard
   Create Dashboard
   Pivot - Connection & Data Model
   Steps for creating Table Widget
   Steps for creating Pivot Table Widget
   Add Implicit Filters
   Widget Toolbar
   Available Layouts for Dashboard
   Pivot Table Widget
   Pivot Table Widget Preview
   Chart widget Preview
   Elements of Table
   Editing Chart Widget in Dashboard View
   Editing Table Widget in Dashboard View
   Configure Quick Search Filters
   Configure Smart Filters
   Elements of Pivot Table
   Widget Overview
   Chart - Select / Edit Columns
   Example for creating Multi Series Chart
   Create Widget Layout
Column 3D
Column Fields
   Pivot Design
   Pivot Table Widget Preview
   Elements of Pivot Table
Column Header
   Elements of Table
   Elements of Pivot Table
Column Header Band
Column Series
Columnar Tables
   Configure Quick Search Filters
   Steps for creating Table Widget
   Steps for creating Pivot Table Widget
   Modify Dashboard
   Configure Smart Filters
Configure Quick Search Filters
Configure Smart
Configure Smart Filters
Confirm Password
   Modify Users
   Add Users
   Pivot - Connection & Data Model
   Instant Overview of Setup Tasks
   Delete Connection
   Modify Connection
   Permission Management - Administrator Role
   Map Data Models
   Modify Data Models
   Add Data Models
   User Roles
   Add Connection
   Modify Widget
Connection & Data Model
Connection list
   Pivot - Connection & Data Model
   Map Data Models
Connection Management
   Instant Overview of Setup Tasks
Connection Name
   Modify Data Models
   Modify Connection
   Add Data Models
   Add Connection
   Delete Connection
Connection Name list
   Delete Connection
   Modify Connection
Connection Test
Connection Type
   Modify Connection
   Add Connection
   User Interface for Report Editor
   User Interface for Report Viewer
   User Interface for Dashboard Author
   Using Intelliview NXT Help
   Widget Overview
Count Distinct
CR Key
CR Key depending
   Add Folder
   Add Widgets to Layout
   Dashbaord Layout Overview
   Login Intelliview NXT
   Chart Widget
   Delete Data Models
   Pivot - Connection & Data Model
   Delete Schedule
   User Interface for Report Editor
   Steps for creating Table Widget
   Steps for creating Pivot Table Widget
   Add Implicit Filters
   Create Dashboard Layout
   Modify Implicit Filter
   Widget Properties
   Instant Overview of Scheduler Tasks
   Modify Dashboard
   About Intelliview NXT
   View Batch Status
   Add Data Models
   Add Widget
   Widget Overview
   Implicit Filters
   Widget Layout Overview
   Apply Implicit FIlters in Dashboard
   Scheduler List
   User Roles
   Data Models
   Add Connection
   Modify Widget
   Example for creating Multi Series Chart
   Add Dashboard Authors
   Create Schedule
   Create Widget Layout
   User Interface for Dashboard Author
   Create Dashboard
Create Dashboard
   User Interface for Dashboard Author
   Create Dashboard
   Dashbaord Layout Overview
   Create Dashboard Layout
Create Dashboard Layout
Create Data Models
Create Folder
Create Implicit Filter
Create Schedule
   Instant Overview of Scheduler Tasks
   Scheduler List
   Create Schedule
Create Widget
   Pivot - Connection & Data Model
   Add Widget
   Add Widgets to Layout
   Create Dashboard Layout
   Create Widget Layout
Create Widget Layout
   Chart Widget
   Add Folder
   Add Connection
   Create Dashboard
   Custom Schedule
   Weekly Schedule
   Monthly Schedule
   Daily/Interval Schedule
   Modify Custom Schedule
   Yearly Schedule
   Create Schedule
Custom Schedule
   Weekly Schedule
   Custom Schedule
   Monthly Schedule
   Daily/Interval Schedule
   Yearly Schedule
   Create Schedule
   Modify Custom Schedule
Custom Schedule Screen
Customer Region
   Pivot Table Widget Preview
   Apply Implicit FIlters in Dashboard
